Suction Line Accumulator
One of the most critical areas of air to air and air to water heat pump application is the proper control of liquid refrigerant under low ambient heating conditions. System design must maintain a delicate balance between sufficient flooding to adequately cool the compressor, while avoiding excessive flooding which would adversely affect lubrication. When coil defrost is required, the compressor is exposed to sudden surges of liquid refrigerant and oil that can create extreme stresses in the compressor. Both laboratory testing and field experience indicate that a properly designed suction accumulator can provide excellent protection against both potential hazards.
Heat Exchange Accumulator
Heat Exchanger Suction Line Accumulator model has been developed for use on low temperature system to sub cool liquid line which also features a boil out coil. This is meant solely to boil off excessive liquid refrigerant at the bottom of accumulator by passing the liquid line through the heat exchanger coil. This increases system efficiency while helping to raise the oil temperature to facilitate oil flow in the suction line for better flow, while the system is running.
Liquid Refrigerant Receiver

Liquid Refrigerant Receiver has been developed by Dry All for following applications:
- A pressure vessel or a tank, sized to hold the whole liquid refrigerant charge of the system.
- Serves to accumulate the reserve liquid refrigerant.
- To ensure the availability of adequate stored refrigerant until the system needs it.
- To store the complete refrigerant charge when the repairs are to be made to the high side of the system i.e. to provide a storage for off peak operation and to permit pumping down of the system during maintenance.
- The liquid receiver also serves as a seal against the entrance of gaseous refrigerant into the liquid line.
- Liquid receiver ensures the compensation of refrigeration volume variations in refrigeration and air-conditioning installations. These volume variations are due to fluctuations generated by various operating temperature at various seasons and to the opening and closing sequences of the expansion valve which fills or not the evaporator with its refrigerant.
Oil Separator
Dry All manufactures two types of Oil Separator.
A. Vertical Sealed type i.e. hermetic welded which cannot be dismantled.
B. Vertical Flanged type i.e. accessible bolted flange construction which can be overhauled for maintenance.
Oil Strainer
Dry All high pressure Oil Strainer removes contaminant & dirt from the refrigerant oil line by means of a 100 mesh filter screen.